Our partnership with our Day School parents and community is highly valued here at SLDS! Parents, grandparents, and friends give generously of time, talents, and gifts to make our school an excellent place for young children to play and learn! The Parent Advisory Council has come up with a new way to help everyone learn timely tasks and get involved; each month we’ll list the Top 3 Ways to Serve at SLDS. We hope this will be helpful as you consider supporting your child’s school. Our SLDS volunteers are friendly, helpful, and most of all, willing to serve! We appreciate your help and know it makes our school shine! Many thanks!! Here are May 2019’s Top 3 Ways to Serve:
- Bring a dessert for Teacher Appreciation Luncheon | Monday, May 13th
Show our wonderful teachers how much we appreciate them by bringing a dessert to the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on Monday, May 13th, sign up using this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094ca5a628a0f85-stlukes
- Teacher Appreciation End of Year Luncheon | Monday, May 13th
Help set up and/or serve lunch at the Teacher Appreciation End of Year Luncheon for our amazing teachers on Monday, May 13th, sign up using this link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409094ca5a628a0f85-stlukes
- Send thank you notes!
Celebrate the SLUMC Year of Gratitude and write a thank you note or two to a SLDS teacher or administrator who has been a blessing to you and your family this year.