
Welcome to St. Luke’s Day School

We are a Christ-centered early childhood program where teachers and parents teach and strengthen each child’s emotional, social, physical, intellectual, and spiritual skills while playing and learning together.

Train up a child in the way he should go , and when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6

Our Commitment to Your Children

St. Luke’s Day School is a busy, happy, noisy, nurturing, and creative place for children to grow and learn.

With a commitment to the development and enhancement of the whole child, St. Luke’s Day School helps children attain their emotional, social, physical, intellectual, and spiritual strengths.

Our curriculum, classrooms, and outdoor play areas are thoughtfully designed to support our goals to:

Encourage active learning and problem solving;

Foster the development of emotionally satisfying relationships;

Provide knowledge and experiences to grow healthy bodies;

Promote a sense of community responsibility.

Playing and Learning Together

This is the Day!

A beautiful message from our teachers and staff to our families.

Look what our parents have to say!

“St. Luke’s Day School has been so much more than just a place we drop our kids off and pick them up from each day. SLDS is where my son discovered his love for reading & writing, where my other son finds continued support for his love of music & sports and where my daughter squeals with excitement as she enters her classroom and greets her friends each morning. The kindness, warmth, thoughtfulness and love that we encounter at SLDS on a daily basis is something my family will always treasure.”

-David Cook

“It’s been such a positive experience for my family for the last 10 years. I always recommend St Luke’s to new moms.”

-Katy Gray

“What a blessing SLDS is to our family. Extremely grateful for the partnership we have, the approachability of admin and all that you do to ensure the safety, growth and development of our children. My kids LOVE school– the best testament.”

-Lindsey MacLeod

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