Our partnership with our Day School parents and community is highly valued here at SLDS! Parents, grandparents, and friends give generously of time, talents, and gifts to make our school an excellent place for young children to play and learn! The Parent Advisory Council has come up with a new way to help everyone learn timely tasks and get involved; each month we’ll list the Top 3 Ways to Serve at SLDS. We hope this will be helpful as you consider supporting your child’s school. Our SLDS volunteers are friendly, helpful, and most of all, willing to serve! We appreciate your help and know it makes our school shine! Many thanks!! Here are November 2018’s Top 3 Ways to Serve:
1. Book Fair Decoration Social | Tuesday, November 6th | 9:15am | Blanton Building

Join us as we build decorations and friendships!  We need willing workers to help paint, glue, and assemble decorations that will transform our Book Fair into a place where reading and fellowship (and dinosaurs!) come to life! 
Just bring yourself – we will provide the supplies and directions along with breakfast treats and coffee! Learn more about Book Fair here: https://stlukesdayschool.org/book-fair-2018/.
Please come to the Blanton Building (next to the field on West Alabama) on Tuesday, November 6th at 9:15am.  Kingdom Kids childcare is available with advanced registration, www.stlukesmethodist.org/childcare-request-form.

2. Thanksgiving Sharing Chapel | Wednesday, November 14th & Thursday, November 15th
Children may bring non-perishable food items to Chapel. Items needed include canned meaty soups, dry cereal, dry beans, rice, pasta, tuna , and peanut butter. If your child does not attend Chapel and you wish to participate, please bring items to the Welcome Desk or Day School office. Donations will benefit the Food Pantry at the Christian 
Community Service Center (CCSC).
3. Volunteer at Book Fair | November 25th-29th 
Volunteer for this year’s annual Book Fair, “Big on BOOKS, Where DINOS Soar with Santa.” As always, this will be a magical week for students and their families, while raising vital funds for our wonderful school. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0545A5A723A1FA7-book