Mission Statement
To enrich the lives of children throughout our community
by offering affordable, top-quality
continuing education for
early childhood professionals.
Evening Courses for Educators
The Ella Hawes Institute for Early Childhood Educators evening courses is on hiatus.
Child Development Associate (CDA) Training Center
This course will enable students to complete the education requirements and the Professional Resource File required for the Child Development Associate Direct
Assessment. It is designed for self-motivated students who are willing and able to take responsibility for attending and participating in required seminars and completing independent study assignments. The instructors will lead the seminars and will work closely with each student to guide the independent study and give direct feedback on work submitted.
The course consists of ten Modules which cover the subject matter required for the CDA Direct Assessment and which require a minimum of 120 clock hours of study for completion. Requirements for each Module include attendance at a two-hour seminar and completion of independent study assignments tailored to the needs of each individual student. Seminars will include a combination of some of the following components: mini-lectures, group discussion, group problem solving, power points, and hands-on activities. The independent study will include classroom activities, reading and written assignments.
The cost of the complete course is $950.00. This fee is payable in three parts:
- $250 registration fee is due at 1st class session (September 5)
- $350 is due at the 2nd class session (September 19)
- $350 is due at the 7th class session (December 5)
All necessary course materials are included in the registration fee.
The course is designed so that candidates are eligible to apply to the Council of Professional Recognition (fee not included) after March 1, 2024 if they have completed all assignments.
The primary instructor for the course is Debbie Weymouth, Director of St. Luke’s Day School. The Program Administrator is Anne McIntyre, Senior Program Coordinator, St. Luke’s Day School.
For further information about this course, contact Anne McIntyre at St. Luke’s Day School (713) 402-5130 or by email at amcintyre@stlukesmethodist.org.
The CDA Program for the 2023-2024 School Year is closed!