SLDS Safe Sanctuary Renewal Application

Personal Information

Apply to be renewed by St. Luke’s Day School to volunteer. Volunteers must renew annually. Please note, parents who are approved through St. Luke’s UMC Safe Sanctuary are automatically approved for SLDS and do not need to complete this form.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you use illegal drugs?(Required)
Have you ever been charged with child neglect or abuse?(Required)
Have you ever been convicted of or plead guilty to a crime (other than minor traffic offense)?(Required)

Prior Volunteer Experience

Are you a member of St. Luke's United Methodist Church?(Required)

Applicant's Statement

You might be asked to see your driver's license or government issued ID prior to volunteering. SLDS and/or SLUMC will conduct a criminal records check on all applicants at least annually.

Authorization and Request for Criminal Records Check

I hereby authorize St. Luke’s Methodist Church to request the relevant police/sheriff’s department to release information regarding any record charges or convictions contained in its files, or in any criminal file maintained on me, whether said file is local, state or national file, and including but not limited to accusations and convictions for crimes committed against minors, to the fullest extent permitted by state and federal law. I do release said police/sheriff’s department from all liability that may result any such disclosure made in response to this request.
MM slash DD slash YYYY