
Parents play a crucial role at St. Luke’s Day School. A variety of interesting activities allow parents to participate in their child’s educational experience, expand their knowledge of early childhood practices, and make new friends.

Parent Communication

Keeping parents informed is a priority. Annual school-wide and monthly classroom calendars, Shutterfly ShareSites, and supplemental announcements are some of the ways we stay in touch. Our website includes Blog and News, as well as a link to our St. Luke’s Day School Instagram account featuring current events and classroom happenings.

Parent Conferences

St. Luke’s Day School offers formal parent conferences twice a year, in the Fall and again in the Spring. In addition, PreK/K parents have an optional mid-year conference as they consider the next steps for their children’s school placement. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment with the child’s teacher or the school’s Director, Assistant Director, or Assessment Coordinator any time there is a question, concern, or idea to share.

Parents in the Classroom

Parents of children enrolled in our program are welcome at the school at any time and are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways. Parents are invited to share hobbies, careers, cultural celebrations, or other interests with children in the classrooms. As the children get older, teachers invite parents to share a favorite book as a special “classroom reader.” Parents also take turns helping with classroom parties.

Parent Evaluation of our Program

Parents are asked regularly to fill out an evaluation survey concerning the staff and program of St. Luke’s Day School. Parental input is a valuable source for ensuring the continued quality of our school.

“This is hands down the BEST first learning environment I could have ever dreamed of for my children. You all have instilled a love for Christ in my children which is the most important developmental milestone in my book. We are forever grateful. Your teachers are amazing- I have loved every single one as they all go way above and beyond. This has been the best experience we could have ever asked for.” -Ashley Mejia