St. Luke’s Day School has an active Parent Advisory Council (PAC) with committees that support and enhance the quality of our educational program through fundraising and volunteering.  Parents can get more involved at school by participating in these committees.

PAC is responsible for hosting the following events and year-round activities:

  • Birthday Book Club-At the beginning of the school year, parents are given the opportunity to purchase a Birthday Book Club book to honor their child’s birthday and to help stock the library. The child’s teacher reads the book to them in their classroom, then the child takes the book home for a period of time before returning it to the library.
  • Book Bags-Book Bags are themed bags containing two or three books and several related objects, games or activities. Pre-K and Kaleidoscope TK students have the opportunity to check out these bags and bring them home to enjoy.
  • Book Fair-One of the school’s primary fundraisers and the highlight of the holiday season is our annual Book Fair.  It includes Grandparents’ and Special Friends Night, Dad’s Breakfast, kids’ activities, visits from Santa, one of the city’s best selections of age-appropriate books, and much more! Funds raised from Book Fair support special projects as identified by the school administration.
  • Church Liaison-The Church Liaison is a member of the St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Children’s Council, and shares information about Children’s Ministries and the church at large with SLDS Families and PAC.
  • FundraisingThe Fundraising Chair works to find opportunities for fundraising at the school including rebate-type programs (i.e. Box Tops), or a percentage of proceeds on specific items purchased (Spirit Nights at restaurants and shops).
  • Hospitality-The Hospitality committee serves as friendly face and an information resource to families at St. Luke’s Day School. They host new family socials each semester, monthly PAC Perks, and assist with Day School tours.
  • Library-St. Luke’s Day School is host to a full and dynamic children’s library. Library volunteers help with the constant re-shelving of the library and assist with the processing of new books.
  • Busy Parents-The Busy Parents Chair organizes off campus playdates and serves as friendly face and an information resource to families with both parents working outside the home.
  • PEP Talks-PEP Talks are discussions and panels hosted throughout the year, featuring speakers who address parenting, child development and other interesting subjects.
  • Pictures and Screenings-This committee works with the office in the coordination of the school’s individual and class pictures and hearing/vision and speech/language screenings. They volunteer to escort children to and from on-site photography sessions, check for clean faces and help make the children smile and feel comfortable.
  • Publicity-The Publicity Chair coordinates PAC communications regarding events and volunteer opportunities throughout the school year.
  • Room Parents-These are parent representatives for each class which support Teachers, Administration, and PAC through communication and volunteer coordination. They provide communications from Administration and PAC to classroom parents and assist teachers with classroom-specific communication and volunteer needs.
  • Spring Picnic-Spring Picnic is the school’s annual themed picnic and celebration for the whole family. While Spring Picnic is such a fun evening with family and friends, it is also our school’s primary fundraiser. Every spring the committee transforms Blanton Field into a themed party where families can participate together in fun activities, enjoy dinner and music, and experience fellowship with other St. Luke’s families.
  • Teacher Appreciation-The Teacher Appreciation Committee hosts monthly appreciation luncheons for the school’s teachers, including delicious catered meals, sweet treats, and door prizes.
  • Transportation Day/Here Trips-This committee plans and coordinates our yearly Transportation Day, which is held in the south parking lot, and other special visits from community establishments, such as museums, nature centers, and fire stations.

We are a volunteer-driven group, so we rely on the creativity and talents of our parents to make our events as successful as possible.  Thank you for your support!