Yearly Employee Update
Annual Required School Year Trainings
Here are the following required trainings:
Child Abuse- Completed annually.
SIDS/Shaken Baby- Now Required for Everyone!
Health Procedures-Completed annually
Environments Review- Completed annually.
Thank you,
St. Luke’s Day School
Child Abuse training must be completed annually. The link below takes you to a Child Abuse Training. At conclusion of training, please screenshot or print your certificate and complete the form below:
Training Confirmation
Once you have completed a training, please submit this form.
SIDS/Shaken Baby must be completed annually for everyone. At conclusion of training, please complete the form below:
Training Confirmation
Once you have completed a training, please submit this form.
Training Confirmation
Once you have completed a training, please submit this form.
Environments must be completed annually for everyone. At conclusion of training, please complete the form below:
Training Confirmation
Once you have completed a training, please submit this form.
Our AEDs are located: